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Give us your story...

... and we'll bring it to life. Tangible, wearable, buzzworthy and interactive. With a touch of magic. From concept to realization.


Do you have an idea for a new product? Get in touch! We love to make new things with inspired people.

Go Wonder? Go Wonder!

Smart technology in unusual, wondrous casings

Go Wonder designs, develops and produces unusual interactive products for education and entertainment. We prefer tactile solutions that use sound, movement or light over screen based technologies, like apps and webpages. See for example our Tellmies: interactive stuffed animals that function as furry family tours in various museums. Or the Wowbot: a character with a ‘magic table’ that knows what you put on it.

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Take a look at our R&D adventures, new clients, lectures, workshops, bloopers and more.

Filling crabs in our kitchen #maritimemuseum

Filling crabs in our kitchen #maritimemuseum

A Tellmie for the library!

A Tellmie for the library!

New product! Coming soon...

New product! Coming soon...

A very busy General Assembly Meeting yesterday at Go Wonder ;)

A very busy General Assembly Meeting yesterday at Go Wonder ;)

Pims & Poms for the Rijksmuseum!

Pims & Poms for the Rijksmuseum!

Happy with our fabulous evaluation at the Dutch Open Air Museum!

Happy with our fabulous evaluation at the Dutch Open Air Museum!