Chatty cigarette for Muzus

Talking about (co-)smoking is often difficult. While 80% of people who smoke want to quit. Within this project, Muzus researched how you can start the conversation in an accessible way.

As their first tangible intervention, together with Pharos they devised the talking cigarette, inspired by Lot Broos who was looking for extra support while quitting.

Lot made a first cigarette toy together with her mother, once also an inveterate smoker, to hug delightfully in times of need. The talking cigarette triggered a conversation about smoking. About the desire to quit. Expressing that desire is the first step towards actually quitting.

The talking cigarettes are used in the Pharos neighbourhood approach and were made by artist Emmeke Eijsbouts.

For Dutch Design Week (2023), Go Wonder made them actually talk, so you can hear experiences of other smokers while embracing the cigarette butt.

Artist Emmeke Eijsbouts with talking butts
Listening to the Talking cigarette at Dutch Design Week 2023
The smart device

Smart Device Dialoque in the Dark for Kiss the Frog

Visitors literally grope in the dark with our smart device. The expo ‘TimeShift! at Dialogue in the Dark (Hamburg) actually lets them experience what it is like to explore the world without sight – but with aids.

We developed the device on behalf of Kiss the Frog, which created a new experience for this museum in Hamburg.

In the experience, A.I.V.A – an AI voice – mirrors a future where everyone is equal. But she discovers some technical problems… Visitors go in search of glitch fixes and coloured cables to fix everything. After these challenges, they get a glimpse into the future.

The 3D printed device includes nfc, bluetooth beacons detection, audio and motion sensors.

Experience compass for Muzus

As a counsellor of people with financial problems, you are like a compass. They navigate through a turbulent time where creditors, shame, hope and despair follow in quick succession. You help them make complex choices to get through these waves, not give up and be resilient.

We built a large compass for Muzus that is used during workshops with (student) debt relief workers.

Each boat belongs to a person in debt. By placing a boat on the compass, you hear audio fragments from this person’s life. You then choose a direction for how you would help as a counsellor.

Do you proceed quickly or thoroughly? Do you unburden or leave more autonomy with the person? Each choice leads to a different sequel. You discuss your choice with the group. There is no right or wrong.

The compass works with nfc and audio. The game pieces are produced by Laserbeest.

Testing the compass

Je bespreekt je keuzes samen in de workshop
The Experience Compass